It's Abhishek here!
How would you like learning about our Solar System?
Well, I'm gonna post a few facts about the planets in our solar system.
Let's start with the planet right next to the sun.
1)Mercury : The tiny mercury is the closest planet to the sun in our solar system.
An year in mercury is just 88 earth days. But one day in mercury is about 176 earth days.Mercury has a really slow rotation.Mercury is the smallest planet of our solar system.Even after being the smallest planet, it is the second densest planet of our solar system.Mercury is also the second hottest planet of solar system.Mercury has no natural satellites.
2)Venus : Venus, the third smallest planet is the second closest planet to our sun.Venus is the brighest planet of our solar system.Venus has no natural satellites.One day on Venus is equal to 243 days on earth.But it takes only 225 days to complete it's revolution around the sun.Venus is the only planet in our solar system for rotating counter clockwise.Venus is the hottest planet of our solar system.The atmospheric pressure of venus is 92 times greater than the atmospheric pressure of earth.
3)Earth : Our planet earth is the third planet of our solar system and currently is the only known planet to hold life.It takes 365 days for earth to complete it's revolution around the sun and 23 hours 56 mins and 4 seconds to complete it's rotation.The earth is one of the only planets of our solar system to hold water in all the three states. (Solids - Ice, Liquids - Water,Gases - Water Vapour).
4)Mars : Mars is the fourth planet of our solar system. It takes mars about 1.88 earth years to complete it's revolution ( 686 Days ). Mars is red in colour because of the presence of huge quantities of iron deposites. Mars is the home to the largest volcano of our solar system : Olympus Mons. Mars has two natural satellites.
5)Jupiter : Jupiter, the fifth planet of our solar system is the biggest planet of our planetory system.It's one of the four gas gaints. ( Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune ). They're known as gas gaints because they're mostly made of gas. Jupiter has about 67 natural satellites.Jupiter is famous for Great Red Storm or the Great Red Spot. It's a storm which is existing since around 350 years and is twice the size of earth. Jupiters moon
Ganymede is the largest moon of our solar system. Jupiter has two rings and is also the third brightest planet.
7) Uranus : Uranus is the seventh planet of our solar system. It was the first planet to be discovered by a telescope.Uranus has 27 natural satellites.Surface temperature : -197C.It takes Uranus around 84 years to revolve around the sun.Uranus has 9 inner rings and 2 outer rings. Uranus is known to have the record of the minimum atmospheric temperature : -224C and is the coldest planet of our solar system.
8)Neptune : Neptune is the eight planet and is the smallest of the gas gaints. Surface Temperature : -201 C.
One year on neptune is equal to 164 years on earth.Neptune has 14 satellites.Neptune being smaller than Uranus has a mass greater to that of Uranus.
*That's all for now*
How would you like learning about our Solar System?
Well, I'm gonna post a few facts about the planets in our solar system.
Let's start with the planet right next to the sun.
1)Mercury : The tiny mercury is the closest planet to the sun in our solar system.
An year in mercury is just 88 earth days. But one day in mercury is about 176 earth days.Mercury has a really slow rotation.Mercury is the smallest planet of our solar system.Even after being the smallest planet, it is the second densest planet of our solar system.Mercury is also the second hottest planet of solar system.Mercury has no natural satellites.
2)Venus : Venus, the third smallest planet is the second closest planet to our sun.Venus is the brighest planet of our solar system.Venus has no natural satellites.One day on Venus is equal to 243 days on earth.But it takes only 225 days to complete it's revolution around the sun.Venus is the only planet in our solar system for rotating counter clockwise.Venus is the hottest planet of our solar system.The atmospheric pressure of venus is 92 times greater than the atmospheric pressure of earth.
3)Earth : Our planet earth is the third planet of our solar system and currently is the only known planet to hold life.It takes 365 days for earth to complete it's revolution around the sun and 23 hours 56 mins and 4 seconds to complete it's rotation.The earth is one of the only planets of our solar system to hold water in all the three states. (Solids - Ice, Liquids - Water,Gases - Water Vapour).
4)Mars : Mars is the fourth planet of our solar system. It takes mars about 1.88 earth years to complete it's revolution ( 686 Days ). Mars is red in colour because of the presence of huge quantities of iron deposites. Mars is the home to the largest volcano of our solar system : Olympus Mons. Mars has two natural satellites.
5)Jupiter : Jupiter, the fifth planet of our solar system is the biggest planet of our planetory system.It's one of the four gas gaints. ( Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune ). They're known as gas gaints because they're mostly made of gas. Jupiter has about 67 natural satellites.Jupiter is famous for Great Red Storm or the Great Red Spot. It's a storm which is existing since around 350 years and is twice the size of earth. Jupiters moon
Ganymede is the largest moon of our solar system. Jupiter has two rings and is also the third brightest planet.
6)Saturn : Saturn's the second biggest planet of our solar system.It's famous for it's rings.The rings of saturn are actually tiny tiny ice particles gathered together.Saturn has 62 satellites.It takes around 30 years for Saturn to complete it's revolution around the sun.The surface temperature of Saturn is -139C.
7) Uranus : Uranus is the seventh planet of our solar system. It was the first planet to be discovered by a telescope.Uranus has 27 natural satellites.Surface temperature : -197C.It takes Uranus around 84 years to revolve around the sun.Uranus has 9 inner rings and 2 outer rings. Uranus is known to have the record of the minimum atmospheric temperature : -224C and is the coldest planet of our solar system.
8)Neptune : Neptune is the eight planet and is the smallest of the gas gaints. Surface Temperature : -201 C.
One year on neptune is equal to 164 years on earth.Neptune has 14 satellites.Neptune being smaller than Uranus has a mass greater to that of Uranus.
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Mercury |
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Venus |
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Earth |
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Mars |
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Saturn |
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Jupiter |
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Uranus |
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Neptune |
*That's all for now*
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