The Eta Carinae is the hottest star found till now.
The Eta Carinae is present at a distance of about 7,500 light years from Sun in the constellation Carina. The Eta Carinae is a stellar star system (Two stars orbiting each other) consisting of a luminous blue variable that has 150 times the mass of sun and a hot super giant that has 30 times the mass of sun.
Eta Carinae was first catalogued by Edmond Halley in 1677.
It got it's name from the constellation it was present in and because Nicolas Louis de Lacaille assigned the star the Greek letter Eta.
When Eta Carinae was first observed in 1677, it was a 4th magnitude star but in the Mid 18th century, it's brightness increased and it turned into a second-magnitude star.
But because of the massive size of the star, it's life tends to burn up short. The star is slowly loosing away most of it's mass.
The Eta Carinae is also surrounded by the Homunculus Nebula and they combined have a luminosity of five million suns!
Eta Carinae will soon collapse into a supernova or a hypernova. And, the blast would disintegrate everything surround it.
The Surface temperature of Eta Carinae is about 72,000 degrees!
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